A luxurious closed-pack space that a private jet plane can provide to the ultrarich has been the undying talk of the business town over the years. Market elites are boasting their own private jet, trying to go ahead of others in size, luxury, and service. And the biggest tittle-tattle is: who got the best flying unit? 

Due to the internal tensions that most business owners experience whenever they are in the office and reconciling various market raptures, most of them demand relaxing leisure all the time, especially when they are going to travel. With this, hopping on a private jet plane is always the top-notch option when they have to go for a business trip, conference, or even when they are heading for a vacation.

Instead of booking a first-class seat in a commercial airline, these businessmen often turn to a bizjet where they can savor the privilege of exclusivity where there is a lesser exposure to certain circumstances that may trigger their stress. Flying privately on a jet plane is a good scapegoat that allows them to get away from their worries. If you’re considering this lifestyle, you might wonder—should you buy or rent a private jet?

For this reason, owning a private jet plane becomes the superior must-have of almost all the above-million earners on earth. 

The Story of Teddy Forstmann and Gulfstream Aerospace 

Private Jet Plane: The Must-have of Every Ultrarich On Earth

It was summer in the late 90s when the private jet had refinished its present reputation of being simply a mode of immediate transportation into a high-class standard measure of wealth and influence where it had started to become a strong craving in the business world. And the person behind this new business landscape for the aviation industry was the late tycoon, Teddy Forstmann. He is often recognized as the person who rescued Gulfstream, a famous manufacturer of private jet planes. 

Born and grew up in Greenwich, Connecticut, Theodore Joseph Forstmann, much popularly known as Teddy Forstmann, was the heir to a famous wool business in the country, Forstmann Woolen Co., that fell into bankruptcy in 1958. He was the second eldest son of Julius Forstmann, one of the wealthiest businessmen in America during that time, and his mother, Dorothy. Teddy attended his postgraduate study at Columbia Law School, where he received a Juris Doctorate degree that became his primary stepping stone to combat the reality of the corporate world. 

With the confidence of a full-grown businessman, Teddy, together with her brothers Brian Little and Nicholas, founded the biggest private equity company in the world, Forstmann Little, which provided him with the opportunity to rise in popularity for his incomparable expertise in leveraged buyouts. He was then recognized as the trailblazer of LBOs. 

In 1990, Teddy made it to the newspaper headlines when he and his business ally, Allen Paulson, signed an agreement to purchase Gulfstream from Chrysler, a dying company that received no adequate business support. The two merchants paid almost $850 million where Paulson took 32 percent of the company share while Forstmann held 68 percent.

But years after, the US economy suddenly fell into a recession and compromised the stock prices of Gulfstream in the market. Due to the unfavorable impact of the stock market crash on the company that Forstmann believed to be a market giant that offer great aerospace products, his colleagues instructed him to dump the stock for this company and slash losses while it was not yet too late. During that time, his newly-acquired company was already encountering challenging competition with Bombardier Aerospace, another aircraft market titan. 

Despite these vicious business obstacles, Forstmann stayed still and never let his flag down. He believed that Gulfstream possessed a world-class collection of aircraft to offer, and what it needed to be able to survive the market wave was strong and determined leadership. Thus, he immediately took over the entire company and became its chief executive officer in 1993. He also hired the most genius and best people during that time to join his team. To mention a few, the outstanding professionals who went with him on this business journey were Chris Davis, Bill Boisture, and Fred Breidenbach. And yes, he didn’t go wrong with any of his decisions. Gulfstream Aerospace took the seat and soared up in popularity. 

In the mid-90s, the revenue of Gulfstream Aerospace, together with its subsidiaries, rocketed and recorded an aggregate market value of $3.3 billion. Everything started to fall to its place in 1997 when they received 51 product deliveries, 89 percent higher than the sales recorded in 1996. It continued to fly the heights in the succeeding years.

Once a helpless company, who would’ve thought that it was going to overtake other market giants and top-notch the aviation market again? It all became possible with the help of the persevering and ever-faithful entrepreneur, Teddy Forstmann. The high-performing company was then handed to General Dynamics in exchange for $5.3 billion, a great profit escalation from his capital of $850 million, 10 years ago. 

Other Personalities Who See Private Jets As Emblem of Wealth

A famous American financier who had great bonds with royalty, celebrities, and politicians, Jeffrey Epstein, unleashed on his controversies that his private jet served as the emblem of his wealth and the sanctuary where he could practice his ill-deed addictions that often comprised of swindling and sex assault. 

Private Jet Plane: The Must-have of Every Ultrarich On Earth

Some presidents of the United States, such as Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, and even Donald Trump, also had some addictions to flying in private aircraft. Famous attorneys, people who won Nobel Prizes, NASA scientists, and Harvard professionals, they are all falling under the spell of this private aircraft for some certain reason. According to some sentiments, being on a private jet plane gives a sublime and intoxicating sensation of exclusivity that, perhaps, everyone dreams of.     

Why Do People Fall In Love With Private Jet Planes?

Private Jet Plane: The Must-have of Every Ultrarich On Earth

As the world continues to go round in various developments, people of the century also become dependent on instant gratification, and they all want to get rid of something that will make them wait and use up their patience. With this, the advent of private jet sales and charters that provide extreme ease and comfort of traveling becomes instantly the must-have of almost all businessmen around the world. This aircraft has given them the opportunity to jump between countries to attend an important matter with no hustle of securities checks, ticket purchases, and crowd tensions.


From a simple mode of transportation to a powerful status symbol, private jet planes have cemented their place as the ultimate luxury for the ultra-rich. Beyond exclusivity, they provide a seamless, stress-free travel experience that caters to the demands of business moguls, world leaders, and celebrities alike.

The story of Gulfstream Aerospace, driven by Teddy Forstmann’s unwavering vision, exemplifies how private jets have evolved into a lucrative industry, shaping how elites navigate the world. Whether for business efficiency or sheer indulgence, the appeal of private aviation continues to grow, with more high-net-worth individuals opting to own or charter their aircraft.

If you’re considering this lifestyle, you might be wondering—should you buy or rent a private jet? With the growing demand for private aviation, tools like the iOS app for private jet travel and the Google Play app for private jet travel make booking a flight easier.

Whether you’re exploring ownership or looking for the best charter options, staying informed through resources like our private jet blog can help you make the right decision. For the latest trends and insights in the industry, JetsOnset is your go-to source for everything private aviation.